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Herbalife Nutrition

Herbalife Nutrition is the winner of the 2022 Global Marketing Research Project Award. The company conducted research in over 25 countries in order to redefine its brand positioning. Herbalife was able to identify brand truths, a new brand positioning statement, a guide to develop a brand manifesto and a tagline that supported the creative direction of the brand.

Jon Puleston, Kantar

Jon Puleston is the winner of the Researcher of the Year (Supplier) Award. This award goes to a supplier-side researcher who is a proven game changer in the industry.

Timothy Cornelius, QuestionPro

Timothy Cornelious is the winner of the 2022 Fearless Leader Award. This award is given to researchers who are not scared to go against the status quo, making a difference in their company or industry.

Steffen Schmidt, LINK

Steffen Schmidt is a finalist for the 2022 Researcher of the Year (Supplier) Award. This award is for a supplier-side researcher who is a proven game changer in the industry.

MESH Experience

MESH Experience is the winner for the 2022 Marketing Research Supplier of the Year (2021 revenue below $10 million). This award is for a research firm that made below $10 million while making an impact on brands. In this article, MESH Experience shares what a supplier should do to gain and keep clients.

Quantum Consumer Solutions and Adrian Hodges Advisory on behalf of the Clean Air Fund

Quantum Consumer Solutions and Adrian Hodges Advisory on behalf of the Clean Air Fund are the winners of the 2022 Nonprofit/Social Enterprise Project Award. In this Q&A learn how these two organizations were able to get the health care workers in five countries to join the fight against air pollution.

Amanda Heer, The DRG

Amanda Heer is a 2022 Researcher of the Year (Supplier) Award finalist. This award goes to a supplier-side researcher who is a proven game changer in the industry.

Microsoft Research Team

Barry Jennings is a member of the team at Microsoft named a finalist of the 2022 Best Client-Side Team Award. This award recognizes the client-side research teams that are making a difference in their company and the industry.

Stephen Griffiths, Level 2

Stephen Griffiths is the winner of the 2022 Researcher of the Year (End-Client) Award. In this article he discusses why making a difference has been so important to his career.

Maia Chang, Ferrara

Maia Chang is the winner of the 2022 Outstanding Young Researcher Award. This award is for a researcher 30 years old or under who has made significant contributions to the marketing research industry.

Nick Bonney, Deep Blue Thinking

Deep Blue Thinking and Checktrade are finalists for the 2022 Client/Supplier Collaboration Award. This award is to recognize a team of end-clients and vendors that have worked together on at least one project and have an ongoing relationship centered around research use to solve strategic problems.

Shelley Ahrens, The DRG

Shelley Ahrens is a finalist for the 2022 Fearless Leader Award. This award is for researchers that are not scared to go against the status quo, making a difference in their company or industry.

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